
Solaris Control Charaters

고냥정권 2008. 6. 19. 16:47
Control Charaters

Ctrl + C Terminates the command currently running.
Ctrl + D Indicates end-of-file or exit.
Ctrl + U Erases all characters on the current command line.
Ctrl + W Erase the last word on the command line.
Ctrl + S Stops output to the screen
Ctrl + Q Restarts output to the screen after you have pressed Control-S

[실습1] <Ctrl + C>
# man ls
<Ctrl + C>

# find / -name core -type f
<Ctrl + C>

[실습2] <Ctrl + D>
# cat > file1
Hello, Solaris
<Ctrl + D>

# telnet
<Ctrl + D>

[실습3] <Ctrl + U>
# find / -name core -type f <Ctrl + U>

[실습4] <Ctrl + W>
# find / -name core -type f <Ctrl + W> <Ctrl + W> <Ctrl + W>

[실습5] <Ctrl + S>, <Ctrl + Q>
# du /
<Ctrl + S>
<Ctrl + Q>
<Ctrl + S>
<Ctrl + C>

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